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Autism and Agape: What My Daughter Taught Me -- September 21, 2010

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010 Email Send to a Friend   Mobile Mobile   Free Newsletters Free Newsletters
Spiritual Life

Autism and Agape: What My Daughter Taught Me
Chuck Colson
The greatest lesson I've learned in life, I learned from my daughter, Emily, and her autistic son, Max. She tells the story in the book Dancing with Max.
Read the full article here


Future Trends in Evangelicalism
Ed Stetzer
Evangelicals and their churches that have been successful in the past ten years have been able to anticipate and recognize trends quickly, and subsequently find effective ways to communicate the gospel in a meaningful manner to the culture in which they live. For that to continue in the next decade, several issues will need to be discussed and resolved.
Read the full article here

Ten Missional Prayers for the Church Today
Dr. James Emery White
1. That pastors would see other churches in their immediate vicinity as a co-laborer, not as the competition.
Read the full article here

Does God Care How Much We Give?
Francis Chan
God didn't just give a little for us; He gave His best. He gave Himself. John says that it is no different for us: True love requires sacrifice.
Read the full article here


Action-Packed Robin Hood Runs Long
Christian Hamaker
Despite its 2 hours and 20 minutes running time, it's hard to look away from the well-composed images and action spectacles of Robin Hood, and from the compelling actors trying to make something interesting of characters that should have been better fleshed out.
Read the full article here

Mysterious Ondine Takes a Surprising Turn
Christian Hamaker
Ondine, writer/director Neil Jordan's tale of personal healing and recovery, is more art house than mainstream crowd-pleaser, although the film eventually develops a bit of an identity crisis. What appeared to be a sure-footed, imaginative tale becomes something harder and more of a genre exercise.
Read the full article here


Fatal Convictions Wrestles with "Justice for All"
Kelley Mathews
Get ready to wrestle with larger themes of truth, justice, and courage in Fatal Convictions. Randy Singer uses the current political and religious environment as a vehicle for making readers think beyond typical cultural borders and into the heart of what "justice for all" means.
Read the full article here

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