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Supporting American Heroes One City at a Time

The following excerpt is from the July issue of Townhall Magazine. Subscribe today and receive the new Glenn Beck book The Overton Window free with your order!

Townhall of Fame

Honoring the Leaders Among Us
Drumming Up Support for Our Vets

by Katie Pavlich

One veteran's dedication to helping
others takes him on a "hike for

Former U.S. Army Spc. Troy Yocum is marching to his own beat,
drumming while hiking through 30 states and 37 major cities
around the country in an effort to raise money and awareness for
military veterans and their families.
   Born and raised in Louisville, Yocum attended an all-boys
Catholic high school and, after graduation, he started shoveling
coal and working at various energy plants.
   "If I go to college, I'm probably going to party a whole lot and
drop out, so maybe I shouldn't go right away," he said to himself
at the time.
   After working a number of various jobs to make ends meet,
Yocum decided to join the U.S. Army. On Aug. 21, 2001, just two
weeks before 9/11, he joined the Army National Guard. Having
just signed up for military service, his first thought after 9/11
was, "I'm going to war."
   However, in 2001 Yocum's unit was put on standby and was
not deployed. In 2008, he was recalled with the 100th Battalion

out of American Samoa to go to Iraq.
   When he returned from his tour in August 2009, a friend
and fellow veteran who served two Middle East tours—one in
Iraq and one in Afghanistan—needed some fi nancial help after
losing his job.
   Yocum began contacting charities to try to get assistance for his
friend but was told the likelihood of receiving financial aid was
very low since they had thousands of veterans waiting in line for
help. He also researched and found that the suicide rate among
soldiers was rising and that one of the causes for the increase was
financial stress.
   "I immediately stepped back and said, 'I need to find a way to
help these people," he says.
   With Terry Fox as his inspiration, a man who ran across
Canada with one leg, Yocum was determined to make his
efforts successful and decided he was going to hike across
   His first step was a meeting with the vice president of Louisville
Slugger to ask for support. The company has been sending the
U.S. military baseball equipment since World War I.
   "You make a pink bat for breast cancer, why don't you make a
bat for military people?" Yocum asked.

Top lef!: Army Spc. Troy Yocum is pictured (center) with fellow soldiers during one of his Middle East tours of duty.
Top right: The "Never Walk Alone" motto adorns T-shirts sold to benefit Yocum's cause.
Bottom: Troy is pictured with his dog and walking partner, Emmie. (Photos courtesy: Troy Yocum)

   From there, the company agreed to make a genuine Louisville
Slugger bat: solid black with silver encoding reading, "Honoring
Military Families."
   Yocum is taking one of the custom-made bats along with him
on his route as a petition for mayors and governors to sign in
favor of enacting an official National Day of the Deployed before
presenting it to the White House on May 11, 2011.
   "We don't have a day to honor those who are fighting for this
country as of today," he said. "If we're going to be successful
helping people, we need something like this."
   Yocum knew going into this project that unless he had a way to
get people to pay attention to what he was trying to accomplish,
it would go nowhere, and he came up with a creative way to
turn heads.
   "Maybe if I snap a drum to my backpack and play it, people
will start to pay attention," he thought. "I see myself as a town
crier who is alerting people about what is going on."
   Yocum also gained attention from other corporations willing
to contribute. Yamaha is providing Yocum with drums, so that
no matter how many times it rains during his journey, he'll
always have a solid, working instrument. Merrell has stepped in
to provide comfortable shoes, and Green Beans Coffee Company
donated $12,000 to advertise the project on a support vehicle
that follows Yocum, purchased with money donated by Acme
Truck Line Inc.
   "I almost cried when these people helped me, because there
is no way I could have done this by myself," he says. "All of these
companies are really helping me out."
   The hike itself will take 16 months with an end goal of raising
$5 million for struggling veterans.. Yocum started walking from
Louisville on April 17, 2010, heading north to Chicago, and will
continue down to St. Louis, west to San Antonio and all the way
to California before heading back East to Washington, D.C., up
to New York City, north to New England, then back to finish in
his hometown.
   His dog, Emmie, will also be by his side for each of the 50
million steps of the journey.
   "I'm not walking alone, and struggling military families should
never walk alone either," he says.
   After the hike is over, Yocum has goals of becoming employed
with a charity to continue his work to help military families.
   "My heart is in it to help the people." •

Katie Pavlich, a May 2010 journalism graduate of the University of
Arizona and former Townhall.com editorial intern, is a Townhall
contributing editor.

Anyone wishing to support Yocum's efforts should visit DrumHike.com.
You can also get daily updates on his trek across America via Twitter

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