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Steak on a Paper Plate: A Reflection on Worship -- August 25, 2010

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010 Email Send to a Friend   Mobile Mobile   Free Newsletters Free Newsletters

Steak on a Paper Plate: A Reflection on Worship
Trevin Wax
For many churches, the biggest requirement for a "worship set" is novelty. We're aiming for an experience. So we put together a worship service that is more influenced by the latest hits on Christian radio than by theology or history. It's like eating steak on a paper plate.
Read the full article here

News & Culture

Making Sense Out of the Ground Zero Mosque Mess
Tony Beam
I am personally offended by those who think building this mosque on this particular site is a good idea. But I would rather be personally offended by a bad idea than to be part of the government enforcement of what it thinks is a good idea.
Read the full article here

"And Then They Are All Mine" -- The Agenda of Some College Professors
Albert Mohler
On many campuses, a significant number of faculty members are representatives of what has been called the "adversary culture." Their agenda is nothing less than to separate students from their Christian beliefs and their intellectual and moral commitments.
Read the full article here

Eggsploitation: Women As Commodity
Chuck Colson
More women are donating their eggs to infertile couples and for embryonic stem cell research. One new documentary shows why that may be a very bad idea.
Read the full article here


Why Teens Seek the Wrong Crowd
Mark Gregston
Does your teenager feel valued and significant in your home? If not, they'll look for value and acceptance somewhere else...
Read the full article here


Neutralizing Arguments with Your Spouse
Dr. David Hawkins
What if there is a way to engage in lively conversation without bickering or arguing? What if you could disagree with your mate and still not argue? Would you be interested?
Read the full article here

Experience Intimacy as God Intended
Whitney Hopler
Our culture doesn't think of Christians as sexy people. But the God we worship created sex in the first place...
Read the full article here

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