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The Scriptures as a "Second Language" -- August 30, 2010

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Monday, August 30, 2010 Email Send to a Friend   Mobile Mobile   Free Newsletters Free Newsletters
Spiritual Life

The Scriptures as a "Second Language"
Kathi Macias
Each time I came across something that contradicted what I had believed before receiving Christ, I had to make a choice to reject my former teachings or experiences and replace them with what God said about the situation or circumstance.
Read the full article here


Of Christ and Katrina, Five Years Later
Russell Moore
I always feared seeing my hometown turn into Armageddon, and five years ago, sure enough, that's just what happened.
Read the full article here

The Church/Family Disconnect
John Crotts
Though thousands of people still attend churches around the world, very few truly experience the connection between God's design for the church and living their lives within that design as God intended. Why the disconnect?
Read the full article here

Paul's Lost Letters
Michael S. Heiser
There's been a lot of recent discussion about how we got the New Testament. What's if it's not all Dan Brown-style fiction?
Read the full article here


God Hears Mothers' Long Distance Prayers
Jeanne Doyon
Letting go has never been easy for me. My son joining the military only compounded my fears. I struggled. I cried...
Read the full article here


Solo Zone: All in the Family
Tim Laitinen
Many of us have an intellectual understanding that, yes, our marital status does not define us. We leave school, we buy homes, and we participate in communities of faith. But how many of us have adopted the mindset that our reality won't really click until we have a spouse.
Read the full article here


Marriage is Not a Fairy Tale
Jewell R. Powell
As I was growing up, I read all the fairy-tale stories like Sleeping Beauty, hoping to one day meet my prince and live happily ever after. Unfortunately, most fairy tales give us an unrealistic picture of what our life with the prince will be like.
Read the full article here

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