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Opportunities to Make a Difference with explore.org

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Take Action! This month explore.org has three exciting opportunities for you to make a difference — choose one, or all three! Do your part to support selfless leaders and non-profits around the world today.

Join the Cause: Support AWF
Join our Facebook Cause today and $1 will be donated to the African Wildlife Foundation. explore.org will also match all donations of up to $50,000.

Capture Your Commitment with Jack Johnson
Sign up and commit to making achievable, sustainable actions and you'll be entered to win a daily
giveaway of Jack Johnson's newest CD To the Sea and a $25 iTunes gift certificate. The grand prize? A custom surfboard signed by Jack Johnson himself!

explore/Hatch Disaster Film Award
Have you or has anyone you know made a film that tells the story of a remarkable individual or group of individuals' actions in response to a devastating environmental event? Submit a film by September 3rd for a chance to win a full paid trip to HATCHfest Bozeman and a Canon HD SLR camera package.

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