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"Economic Justice" as "Social Justice" -- August 2, 2010

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Monday, August 2, 2010 Email Send to a Friend   Mobile Mobile   Free Newsletters Free Newsletters
News & Culture

"Economic Justice" as "Social Justice"
Dr. Paul Kengor
Like the very progressives that champion the term "social justice," the definition seems to evolve based on progressives' ever-evolving purposes.
Read the full article here

Spiritual Life

Kay Arthur on Inductive Bible Study: Observation, Interpretation & Application
Christy Tennant
As a writer of over 100 books and Bible studies, Kay Arthur traverses the Bible day after day, constantly discovering timeless truths, written thousands of years ago, yet still as fresh as if they had been penned this morning.
Read the full article here

And the Truth Shall Set You Free
Dick Staub
The promise that we could become an honest society of individuals who require truth from our elected officials and businesses leaders may seem a pipedream, but it is a revolutionary battle worth fighting.
Read the full article here


Singles in the Church: A Compelling Role to Play
Tim Laitinen
Singlehood represents a burgeoning social dynamic in North America. To the extent that single believers trust the Lord, join in the mission of the church, and honor marriage by respecting its boundaries, we offer a compelling role to play in communities of faith.
Read the full article here


What Parents Should Know About Teen Suicide
Mark Gregston
With the increasing prevalence of teen suicide, no parent can afford to ignore the possibility. Suicide is now the third leading cause of death for high-school students. Here are warning signs a teen may be struggling.
Read the full article here

The Long Good-Bye: Five Lessons for Parents of College-Bound Children
John Mark Reynolds
We have watched hundreds of parents drop their kids off at camp or college and have learned a few things in the process. As parental mistakes were made we came to recognize those parents: the ones who made growing up much harder for their adult children.
Read the full article here


Unlock the Heart of Your Husband
Bill and Pam Farrel
Unlocking a man's full potential -- when you understand his core need and seek to be a teammate fulfilling that need -- is the best gift a man could get! Here are some insights from relationship experts Bill and Pam Farrel.
Read the full article here
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