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TH Daily - October 27 - Thomas Sowell, Michelle Malkin, John Stossel, Jillian Bandes, Walter E. Williams and More

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Brass Oldies: Part II
Thomas Sowell:

Songs that are "golden oldies" have much less pleasant counterparts in politics-- namely, ideas and policies that have failed disastrously in the past but still keep coming back to be advocated and imposed by government. ... more

The Left's Voter Fraud Whitewash
Michelle Malkin:

Denial isn't just a river in Egypt. It's the Democrats' coping mechanism for midterm election voter fraud. ... more

Plastic Water Bottles Won't Hurt You
John Stossel:

When even notoriously risk-averse FDA scientists speak out against the BPA panic, the scaremongers must have gone absurdly far. ... more

26-Year Incumbent Dem Congressman Faces Trouble in 2010
Jillian Bandes:

Republican Congressional candidate Lou Barletta has a secret weapon: Betty Crocker. A team of bakers have carpet-bombed his campaign with lemon cake and peanut thumbprints. ... more

Our Contemptible Congress
Walter E. Williams:

Most people whom we elect to Congress are either ignorant of, have contempt for or are just plain stupid about the United States Constitution. ... more

NPR's Religion Double Standard
Brent Bozell:

National Public Radio's firing of Juan Williams tells you all you need to know about the radical, and thoroughly intolerant, left. ... more

Taking the Public Out of NPR
Jonah Goldberg:

NPR should be defunded, but not because it's liberal. If NPR were right-wing (stop laughing!) it'd still be wrong for the federal government to be in the news business or to subsidize one set of views over another. ... more

In Some Elections, Character Counts Less
Michael Medved:

Yes, character counts in politics, but it matters more in some elections than in others. ... more

Take the Pledge, or Walk the Plank
Dick Morris and Eileen McGann:

As congressmen and senators face the electorate next week, millions of votes will turn on one simple question: Did he (she) take the pledge? The pledge to repeal Obamacare. ... more

The Crested Midterm Wave
Michael Gerson:

WASHINGTON -- At some point in an election cycle, out of exhaustion and desperation, commentators turn to actual experts. So I recently posed several questions to Charlie Cook of the nonpartisan Cook Political Report. ... more

America's Evolving Passage to India
Austin Bay:

The relationship between India, the developing giant, and the U.S., the developed giant, is maturing -- and Obama's presidential visit is part of this long, involved and delicate diplomatic process. ... more

Off to a Bad START
Ed Feulner:

Now is hardly the right time to be tying our hands on missile defense. ... more

Division Dividends: Two-Party Control Is Better Than the Alternative, but Not Much
Jacob Sullum:

In my neighborhood of Dallas, not far from where George and Laura Bush moved after he presided over eight years of big-government conservatism, I often see signs that say: "Had Enough? Vote Republican!" ... more

Starting Afresh in Pursuit of Liberty
Tony Blankley:

It's largely going to be gridlock. President Obama will veto what he doesn't like. The Republican Congress will not have votes to override the vetoes. ... more

Why Socialism Breeds Racism
Ben Shapiro:

This week's Sports Illustrated featured an article on French soccer star Thierry Henry. What shocks Henry most about America? Whereas European fans routinely insult and slur black players, Americans don't. ... more

Does It Make Sense to Decrease Your Retirement Savings to Pay Down Your Mortgage? Maybe ... Maybe Not.
Carrie Schwab Pomerantz:

Dear Carrie: I'm 60 and will probably retire between age 66 and 70. I currently have $375,000 in IRA/401(k) funds and I'm adding 8 percent of my income annually. ... more

Clinton, Bush Prove Cutting Capital Gains Rate Works
Donald Lambro:

There is one Republican policy he signed into law (besides welfare reform) that he never says anything about and that helped balance the budget. ... more

The Choice That Liberals Hate
Robert Knight:

On Oct. 14, President Obama trotted out "born gay, always gay" rhetoric to underscore his aim to force the military to accept open homosexuality. ... more

Acknowledge the Black Community Is Committing Genocide on Itself
Armstrong Williams:

The growing level of violent crime in the black American community is abhorrent. ... more

Halloween's Sexual Trend
Rebecca Hagelin:

Halloween is around the corner, so you're expecting a steady train of ghosts, Hollywood heroes, and princesses to knock on your door. Well, brace yourself. Princesses look different these days. ... more

More RESPECT for the President, Please!
Ken Blackwell:

I'd like to see more respect for the Office of President. But I have one word of advice for the current occupant: RESPECT: It's what you have to have in order to get. ... more

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Headline News

Yesterday's Top 10 Columns
  1. Sowell: Brass Oldies
  2. Adams: Seeking Promiscuous Heathen Female Roommate
  3. Buchanan: NPR's Overdue Execution
  4. Servatius: NPR CEO Vivian Schiller Key Architect of FCC Govt Takeover of the News
  5. Prager: This Is a Referendum, Not an Election
  6. York: If Dems Lose, Obama Will Blame Everyone But Himself
  7. Hagelin: Halloween's Sexual Trend
  8. Limbaugh: Don't Fall for Any Postelection Obama Spending Conversion
  9. Norris: $200,000 for Capitol Hill Bottled Water?
  10. Charen: NPR Confronts Its Own Tea Party
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